Monday, October 15, 2012

Which model type are you?

In the modelling industry there are different types of models. The media mostly talk about the fashion models and super models but fortunately the world needs a broader cross section of people. Commercial models and character models are less talked about but a massive part of the industries needs.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

What makes a good model?

Is it their look, is it  their size, is it their age? Well it can be all of those things and more. It depends on what the client is looking for. Take for example Colourful Peoples lovely model Jaya Jamieson, who recently did the latest  Myki TV commercial. Well done Jaya and we look forward to seeing it on air and posting it here on the blog. If you asked Jaya what the most important things were about the casting she would say.' Thank god I made it, I almost didn't get there.'

I don't get out of bed for less then ten thousand dollars.

Famous words that rang around the world in the 90's. Who said them? We'll get to that but first if you want to work in this industry you need to commit. Like anything you do have to commit to making yourself available for work. You can be the most stunning creature in the world but you do have to go to the castings and auditions to score the job. Many a models break, comes because someone didn't turn up, wasn't available or had some very valid reason. No offence but nobody cares what those reasons are, they just need to get the job done.  A client will be spending lots of money and not just on the model. When you're super fantastic at what you do and quite possibly famous then you can dictate your availability or as one famous model said. "I don't get out of bed for less then $10,000.00. What a publicity stunt and unless you are already famous I wouldn't recommend it.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Tough business modelling

So you want to be a model then you need to understand that even the most successful models fail more than they succeeded. It is the nature of the business that many models will be put up for the same job and not everyone can get it and nobody is picked for every job. Never take the rejections personally. Just pick yourself up and keep going. Maybe next time but remember this if you're given the opportunity to go to a casting, audition or interview and you don't go you'll never get the job.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Getting started in Modelling.

We hear so much in the media about the modelling industry. One would think you were guaranteed fame if you entered the business. Like acting it's tougher than it looks. To get into it you have to start somewhere and although there is plenty of information on the internet like anything there is good and bad information. I've always been an advocate of "Be careful  of who you listen to." What is their background and authority in this business. Over the next few days I'll share some information on what you'll need to get started. Some of the Do's and Don'ts. Like how well do you know your chosen industry? Who is the worlds top raking model at the moment? ( Joan Small ) as seen above. We all need something to aspire to. At Colourful People we think it's important that you learn about your chosen career and understand that this is a journey of discovery. This isn't going to happen over night.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

First Impressions in the modelling industry.

 The first thing your agent or  a client notices is whether you are reliable. How? They will find this out about you even before they agree to meet you. Have you noticed how every agency requests information. Your name, your age, your height, your size and a picture of yourself. Remember you contacted them. Now if an agency responds  it is possibly because they're interested, but they all realise there is more to a person than their looks. You may ask yourself "What are they looking for and do I have what it takes to be a model?" You could at this moment have a life changing experience. How would you dress? What would you do to prepare? Would you be willing to come to an appointment on time, present yourself to the best of your ability and learn the skills required to become a successful model?

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

So, you want to be a Model?

There's a few important things you need to know when starting out in the industry. Yes this business can be fun and exciting but firstly it's a profession. This means you have to have a professional attitude. It's not just about turning up to appointments, castings and jobs, that's a given. It's about first impressions. Stay tuned as we post tips, hints and insider secrets to 'making it'.

Martina - because Colourful People are colourful

From Oct 4, 2012